1000個兒童英文啟蒙單詞DK 1000 useful words
今天咿呀啟蒙分享的是英國DK出版社出品的《1000 useful words Build Vocabulary and Literacy Skills》。這本書從内容上看,屬于專門為英語國家幼童準備的看書識字類單詞書。包含1000個兒童常用英文單詞,分為25個常用主題,并配上5個小故事的形式講述,圖文并茂,生動形象。本次分享的是高清PDF電子版,适合在平闆等電子設備上使用,當然您也可以打印出來使用。
1000 useful words由歐美工具書權威出版社DK出版,是一本兒童生活場景圖解單詞書。通過一個個場景的拓展,将1000個單詞與高清實物圖聯系起來,幫助孩子連線英語單詞和現實事物,更直觀高效。
Me and my body
My family and friends
Things to wear
Food and drink
Story: All in a day
Around the house
Toys and playtime
In the kitchen
Favorite pets
Story: Tink’s story
In the yard
Describing people
In the country
In the city
Story: Let’s play school
Around the farm
Animals in the wild
River, lake, and sea animals
Full speed ahead!
Story: Where will we go?
Noisy words! Noisy animal words!
What people do
All sorts of places
Colors, shapes, and numbers
Time, seasons, and weather
Story time
Story: Let’s make up a story
Wonderful words!