九年級英語上冊 | 第一次月考必考專練【詞性轉換】(含答案)

天天見聞 天天見聞 2024-11-02 教育 閱讀: 21
摘要: 點上方↑“中小學生閱讀”關注更多資訊 ! ●擁有書籍就是教養的證據嗎?果然如此,誰在教養上足與擁有滿屋子書籍的書店主人抗衡。路基亞諾斯 【一】 1. Have you considered apologizingto the patient for your careless drive?(apology) 2. I’ve admit what he had done made me succeed. (success)

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1. Have you considered apologizingto the patient for your careless drive?(apology)

2. I’ve admit what he had done made me succeed. (success)

3. During the Anti-Japanese War, the kind woman saved many children and sent them to security. (securely)

4. To his anger, the official hit his kid brother. (angry)

5. Children are afraid of the stone figures in the temple which look so frightful. (fright)

6. As a waitress, I should try out best to meet his immediate requirement. (require)

7. Can you make a speech for us at the very beginningof the ceremony? (begin)

8. Please keep yourself sittingon the chair until the plane lands safely. (sit)


1. I have bought a new flat and it’s on the ninthfloor of the building. (nine)

2. Was Alexander Graham Bell the inventorof the telephone? (invent)

3. Although similar in appearance the twins are completelydifferent in character. (complete)

4. Helen was waiting for her friend Dick at the international arrivalhall now. (arrive)

5. The peasant often says that the successof the crop depends on the weather. (succeed)

6. Many precious animals will disappearif we don’t take action to protect them now. (appear)

7. Joining WTO is good for our economicdevelopment. (economy)

8. You need to learn to be independentsince you are old enough to live alone now. (depend)


1. Such crude methods are far trickierto make stick with the internet. (trick)

2. Her pride was hurt, but her habitualcontrol of manner helped her. (habit)

3. We ought to look below the surface of things and then discover the essenceof them.


4. Calculate the perimeter and the area of a circle skillfully. (skill)

5. It was highly respectedand what was called an “old-fashioned”hotel situated not far from

Piccadilly. (respect)

6. It is illegal for public officials to ask for gifts or money in exchangefor favors. (change)

7. Those electricianled the wire in through a hole in the wall. (electric)

8. The Companies Act lays down a set of minimum requirements(require)


1.The students took the PISA test in threesubjects—reading, maths and science. (third)

2.Nowadays, more and more foreigners come to Shanghai and become new citizensof this city. (city)

3. I liked to walk in fields on snowydays and to see my footprints left behind, (snow)

4. Britishpeople often begin their conversations by talking about the weather. (Britain)

5.The news about education has attracted the public attention recently. (recent)

6.The World Chocolate Park showed a collectionof many kinds of chocolates, (collect)

7.To improve your writing skills, you'd better developa habit of reading, (development)

8.Don't tell lies. Nobody likes those dishonestpeople, (honest)


1. Tu Youyou (屠呦呦) is the first Chinese citizento win a Nobel Prize in science. (city)

2. Mr. Smith and his wife are preparing for their son’s ninthbirthday party. (nine)

3. Let’s hope that all our troubles will isappearin the coming new year. (appear)

4. Mathew wanted to build a woodendog house for his pet dog, Snowball. (wood)

5. Making a picture in your mind is a good way to help you to memorizesomething. (memory)

6. In recentyears, many people choose to read e-books instead of paper ones. (recently)

7. She has been very forgetfulsince her brain was injured in the accident. (forget)

8. Kobe Bryant, one of the greatest)players in NBA history, will say goodbye to his great love-basketball. (great)


1. They are among the unsung heroesof our time. (hero)

2. People are exercising more regularlybecause they want to be healthier. (regular)

3. Opening systems can be brought to a halt by a TrojanHorse. (Troy)

4. Will the news version of this car meet their requirements exactly? (require)

5. If an alarm gives you that feeling of security, then it is worth carrying. (securely)

6. The hotel is beautifully locatedin a quiet spot near the river. (location)

7. Look up, there are countless stars in the sky. (count)

8. I hope you will rejecthis offers. (reject)

9. Damin is shy and I never hear him singin public. (sing)

10. I met Mary at a party last week. We hadn’t seeneach other for nearly 10 years. (not see)

11. He spent much time as often as he could improvinghis spoken English. (improve)

12. Tommy asked us if the earth goesaround the sun. (go)

13. In recent years many football clubs have been runas business to make a profit. (run)

14. He’s told me he will ride(ride) on a light rail to the airport in an hour.


1、張雪峰推薦 :初中教材重點的壓縮版,對孩子幫助特别大!








作者: 天天見聞 時間:2024-11-11 閱讀: 19
在孩子的教育旅程中,小學三年級是一個重要的轉折點,特别是對于英語學習而言。在這個階段,學生已經具備了一定的閱讀和寫作基礎,接下來的挑戰是進一步加深對英語的理解并增強語言運用能力。那麼,小學三年級英語怎麼學?為了幫助三年級學生有效地學習英語,以下是一些科學且實用的方法。 一、建立堅實的語音基礎 語音是學習英語的門檻,三年級學生應該專注于提高發音的準确性。家長和教師可以通過有聲讀物、兒歌和英語故事來幫助學生練習發音,同時利用遊戲和活動使學習過程更加有趣。 ...


作者: 天天見聞 時間:2024-11-11 閱讀: 7
通過下文的内容可知,‌國際本科和國家統招本科在多個方面存在顯著差異,包括錄取方式、課程體系、學制、證書認可度、費用以及升學路徑等。‌國際本科是正規的,具體原因分析如下。 ...


作者: 天天見聞 時間:2024-11-10 閱讀: 14
2024版人教版英語精通版(三年級起點)三年級上冊電子課本介紹+教材目錄+學習指南 本教材的基本介紹: 本套2024版人教版英語精通版(三年級起點)是人民教育出版社出版的,由國家教材委員會專家委員會2024年審核通過的小學英語教材。...


作者: 天天見聞 時間:2024-11-10 閱讀: 12
當我們回顧英語七年級下冊的學習曆程,很多學生會發現其中涉及的知識點既豐富又複雜。英語七年級下冊知識點有哪些?為了幫助大家更好地掌握這些知識,本文将為您詳細解析七年級下冊英語的核心知識點,并分享一些實用的學習方法。讓我們一起來看看吧! 一、動詞時态的深入理解與運用 英語七年級下冊知識點有哪些?動詞時态是一個重要的考點。學生們需要深入理解現在完成時、過去将來時等時态的用法,并能夠在實際語境中靈活運用。為了更好地掌握這些時态,學生們可以通過模仿例句、造句練習、語法填空等方式進行鞏固。同時,多讀多寫也是提高動詞時态運用能力的有效途徑。...


作者: 天天見聞 時間:2024-11-10 閱讀: 12
當我們談論初一英語時,很多學生會感到既熟悉又陌生。熟悉是因為英語作為一門全球通用的語言,我們在日常生活中經常接觸到;陌生則是因為初一英語的知識點相對較多,且涉及到的語法、詞彙、句型等方面都有一定的深度和廣度。那麼,初一英語知識點總結有哪些?本文将結合真實經曆和專業知識,為大家分享一些實用的方法。 一、掌握基本的語音知識 初一英語知識點總結有哪些?語音是語言的基礎,對于英語學習來說尤為重要。初一英語中,學生需要掌握26個英文字母的發音規則,以及元音和輔音的發音特點。此外,還需要了解單詞的重音規則和連讀現象。通過大量的聽力和口語練習,學生可以逐漸提高自己的語音水平,為後續的學習打下堅實的基礎。...


作者: 天天見聞 時間:2024-11-10 閱讀: 9
親愛的同學們好,這裡是小學學堂寶典 今天為大家分享:2024秋三上英語人教pep1-6單元基礎過關練習,共6頁。涵蓋了多個單元的内容,通過字母、關鍵詞翻譯、句子翻譯等多種形式,全面考查學生對英語基礎知識的掌握程度。每個單元都有明确的主題,如 “Making friends”“Amazing animals”“Useful numbers”,有助于學生系統地學習和鞏固不同主題下的英語表達。 ...
