博士招生 | 英国巴斯大学、利物浦大学博士招生项目推荐

天天见闻 天天见闻 2023-02-07 综合 阅读: 104
摘要: 巴斯大学根据英国各媒体公布的英国大学排行榜,巴斯大学多次入选英国排行前十的公立研究型大学。巴斯大学位列世界大学排名第166位。利物浦大学,为罗素大学集团、N8大学联盟、欧洲大学协会、英联邦大学协会、大学研究协会、中英大学工程教育与研究联盟、NCUK、以及CDIO成员。香港八大院校博士申请门槛,以及录取偏爱!

本期 “博士招生”为大家推荐英国巴斯大学、利物浦大学博士招生项目,有需要或者问题的同学欢迎在 “文末扫码”:预约小曼博士1对1免费咨询哦~



of Bath


巴斯大学( of Bath)英国巴斯大学,位于英格兰埃文郡东部——巴斯市(是英国唯一被列为世界遗产的城市,被誉为英国最漂亮典雅的城市之一 ),其学术实力被评定为世界领先 。

现为英国GW4联盟成员 。现任校监为英国女王伊丽莎白二世的三子 - 爱德华王子, 威塞克斯伯爵。根据英国各媒体公布的英国大学排行榜,巴斯大学多次入选英国排行前十的公立研究型大学。在2017年英国官方组织的教学卓越框架(TEF)评估中获得金奖。

巴斯大学位居2023完全大学指南排名全英第8位 ,大学排名全英第9位。巴斯大学位列世界大学排名第166位。

巴斯大学管理学院是具有世界一流研究水平的英国著名商学院之一, 在业界享有极高的声誉,有大量毕业生进入英国投行和大型企业工作,在2016年完全大学指南排名中位居第1位。

and in the

1► Dr Jie Zhang

2► all year round

3► PhD

About the

The of Bath is for the PhD in 2023.

of the :

The is in years and is and the . It from of daily among , , and by the and . The is also into . These are by and , as well as . Data- and game offer well- and tools for the of these and their to , and .

This PhD will AI, game , graph and other to that arise in this that will . To this end, this will and in , while and , to an open and and a and . The of this are, but are not to, the of and IoT .

The of the PhD will be in the form of high- , the of , and the on cross- .

The the new to gain in the areas. are from those with a in , , , , and other as we .

: , game , graph, , IoT.


hold, or to , a First Class or good Upper Class (or the ). A ’s level would also be .

Non-UK must meet entry .

and :

are and be to Dr Jie Zhang on email @bath.ac.uk.

be via the of Bath’ form for a PhD in to the of 22 March 2023.

More about for a PhD at Bath may be found on .


To be for , you must as a Home .The for Home fee are and too to be here in full; , as a guide, the will to : UK and Irish ( in the UK or EEA/), those with Leave to and EU with pre- or in the UK under the EU . This is not to be an list. may be found on , on .UK on .

(e.g. with a UK ’s or and ), who are in this , the lead in the first to the of for .

, and :

We value a and aim to be an , where is and .We and from under- .

If you have that you feel we be aware of that have your , then feel free to tell us about it in your form. The best way to do this is a short at the end of your .


A Home fees, a (£17,668 per annum, 2022/23 rate) and / (£1,000 per annum) for up to 3.5 years. apply – see above.





利物浦大学( of ),简称“利大”英国巴斯大学,英国六所红砖大学之一 ,为罗素大学集团、N8大学联盟、欧洲大学协会、英联邦大学协会、大学研究协会、中英大学工程教育与研究联盟、NCUK、以及CDIO成员。


利物浦大学管理学院获得AACSB、EQUIS和AMBA三重认证;利物浦大学出版社亦是英格兰三大古老的大学出版社之一 。

and of New for Light- lysis

1► Dr John Ward

2► , 28, 2023

3► PhD

About the

This will open until the has been and so early are .

A fully PhD is 1st 2023

is an in , under mild . The to with is , as by the award of Nobel prize in the of . Most to are metal- or dyes, which raise of cost, , and waste . of could many of these but their in is still in its and . In this we aim to and new for light- .

The will be by Dr John Ward () and based in of the of , with to the in the state-of-the- .

This is multi-step , , and . This will the to a and a in or . The Ward group has with major and , an to make with key in these and to your CV and post PhD. , the will in , , and in - by at and , and by the of .

Entry : hold, or to , a good ( to a UK First or Upper Class ) in or a . We are for with an for , and . Prior (such as a or ) in is . , the will have some of , but this is not and the will be the PhD.

If you wish to any of the , John Ward (email:john.ward@.ac.uk).

How to Apply:To apply, visit the : you quote on your form.

The of is to an which , , and 's and . , and (EDI) are at the heart of all we do. , as a , we will an even more , which aims to the of our staff and .

We from paths and and from all of the , of age, , , , , and .

The is to SWAN to women in ; the ’s in this area can be found at:


The award will cover fees at the Home rate and an at the EPSRC-DTP rate for 3.5 years. refer to the EPSRC for .View . The for 2022/2023 is £17,668 pa, with the of an for 2023/2024. Non-UK may have to to the non-UK fees.








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作者: 天天见闻 时间:2023-09-28 阅读: 82
前言:这是关于公众号留学索斯基里斯的重要性的!剑桥大学宿舍环境如何的文章。 剑桥大学简介: 位于英国剑桥,采用书院联邦制的全球知名公立研究型大学--剑桥大学(英文名:University of Cambridge;勋位:Cantab)。与牛津大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院和伦敦政治经济学院同属“G5超精英大学”。剑桥大学在许多领域具有崇高的学术地位和广泛的影响力,目前被公认为世界上最好的高等教育机构之一。2018-19年,剑桥大学在泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名全球第二、QS世界大学排名全球第七、USNews世界大学排名全球第七。2019-20年,剑桥大学位列“泰晤士高等教育”世界大学声誉排名全球第四,ARWU世界大学学术排名全球第三。...


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通知 | 关于选拔硕士生赴英国巴斯大学攻读双学位项目的通知

作者: 天天见闻 时间:2023-02-07 阅读: 105


作者: 天天见闻 时间:2023-01-26 阅读: 123
放榜了,放榜了,剑桥大学终于放榜了! 就在正月初四(1月25日),不少学生迎来兔年的又一个好消息,剑桥offer到手! ...


作者: 天天见闻 时间:2022-12-24 阅读: 157
作为最早出现职业会计师的国家,英国许多院校开设的相关课程均提供免考ACCA相当部分科目机会。所以英国大学的会计金融专业课程通常涉及很广,往往会结合经济学、管理学、会计学、金融学和数学,包括:公司理财、计量经济学、期权期货及其他衍生产品、管理金融、投资等课程。而且英国大学会计和金融专业大部分Top学校的申请要求都会变得很高。The programme finishes with a Dissertation of between 9,000-12,000 words.遇到了什么问题,可以具体私信我哦~...


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