
每日听力口语素材 | 《绝望的主妇》孩子总会有的

每日听力口语素材 | 《绝望的主妇》孩子总会有的

作者: 天天见闻 时间:2022-11-19 阅读: 158
“一天一点”会员口语群2022年第12期招生开始啦,详情请点击:招生简章|"一天一点"会员口语群2022年第12期招生开始!Being a parent means rising to the occasion,right?Why did Susan want to break up with Dr. Ron?eg. Being a parent means rising to the occasion.为人父母就是要随时面临并解决难题.我们失去了一个孩子,又发现不能生孩子了。结果又在领养所遇到了Helen Rowland。这是我第一次听人告诉我,我不能有自己的孩子。想要孩子还是有其他办法的,Carlos。已经添加李延隆老师微信的不要重复添加。...
公开课|一天一点,口语不难 Day 596 讲解

公开课|一天一点,口语不难 Day 596 讲解

作者: 天天见闻 时间:2022-11-15 阅读: 127
红色字体为需重读部分;下划线部分可参考注释。Day 596 I'd like to book a room, please. . Receptionist: Four Trees hotels, how may I helpyou?Receptionist: Letme see. Actually, it looks l ike we're completelybooked. However, we dohave another hotel just around the corner. Do you want me to check its availability?Receptionist: Thisone is a boutique hotel, so the pricesare slightlyhigher. Is that OK?The flight was already fullybooked. 此航班已预定满了。pricingn. [ pras] [U] the act of deciding the price of something that you sell 定价...
每日听力口语素材 | 《绝望的主妇》真假父亲的护犊计划

每日听力口语素材 | 《绝望的主妇》真假父亲的护犊计划

作者: 天天见闻 时间:2022-11-11 阅读: 146
2022年第11期招生倒计时第4天,详情请点击:招生简章|"一天一点"会员口语群2022年第11期招生进入倒计时!eg.Eager to hook into a career but can't find one right for you?急于干一番事业,但又找不到适合自己的?eg. The hares raced away out of sight.野兔飞奔而去,很快就看不见了。Deirdre的父亲,Noah Taylor,不知何故发现了Zach的事他要见他。已经添加李延隆老师微信的不要重复添加。...
