童年时一次看电视转播的经历,在少年日向翔"Everything happens for a reason” "god helps those who help themselves." "My heart is with you." "I apply to get into your life." "My life is full because I know that I am loved." "I figure life’s a gift, and I don’t intend on wasting it." "Doubt is the key to knowledge." "Sow nothing, reap nothing." "I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is." "I never look back. It distracts from the now." " I like to present myself, I miss our past." "No man is a failure who has friends." "Fading is true while flowering is past." "Beautiful things don't ask for attention." "We accept the love we think we deserve." "Every day without you is like a book without pages." "I say what I believe." "It is never too late to fall in love." "Don't take the memory of the past to torture yourself." "Thinking and letting go are two different things." "If you can't walk together, pretend to be passing by." "Bad times make a good man."阳(村濑步 配音)的心中种下了排球的种子。
他在初中时代是排球部的主将,可是人丁寥落的排球部始终没有起色排球少年排球少年,唯一一场比赛也以惨败告终。在此之后,他终于如愿考入梦寐以求的学府乌野高中,并加入了该校的排球部。当年翔阳在电视上看到的正是乌野 高中的比赛,如今这个学校的排球却正面临着衰败的命运。与宿命的对手和好友影山飞雄(石川界人 配音)聚首于此,心怀排球梦想的少年们将团结一心,带领着乌野这名王者再度振翅高飞……本片根据古馆春一的漫画原作改编。