
天天见闻 天天见闻 2022-07-14 英语 阅读: 198
摘要: 圣诞树的由来等,请看圣诞节的由来大全。951880s.world.icon.elves.past.built.poor.6th.from.nice.heart.there.world.world.

圣诞节的由来大全:圣诞节的由来大全包括圣诞节圣诞老人的由来、圣诞节吃火鸡的由来、圣诞节 圣诞树的由来等,请看圣诞节的由来大全。

" : (As sent to me by Brian Dodd)Quote from 95

The of the Santa Claus its and its name from the Dutch of Klaas, by to New York in the 17th 。

As early as 1773 the name in the press as "St. A Claus,"

but it was the who gave their first about the Dutch of Saint . In his of New York, in 1809 under the , the of the saint on ( by Black Peter) each Eve of Saint 。

This Dutch- Saint Nick his fully form in 1823 in the poem A Visit From Saint more known as The Night by Moore. Moore such as the names of the ; Santa Claus's , winks, and nods; and the by which Saint , to as an elf, up the . (Moore's "lays his aside of his nose" was drawn from 's 1809 。)

The image of Santa Claus was by Nast, who a Santa for of 's from the 1860s to the 1880s. Nast added such as Santa's at the North Pole and Santa's list of the good and bad of the world. A human-sized of Santa Claus, than the elf of Moore's poem, was in a of for Coca-Cola in 1931 that and made the red Santa Suits an icon. In of the Santa Claus , only his toy-shop are elves. , the ninth , with a red and shiny nose, was in 1939 by an for the Ward .

In for the roots of Santa Claus, one must go very deep in the past. One that Santa Claus as we know him is a of many and .

The basis for the -era Santa Claus is of (Izmir), in what is now . lived in the 4th A.D. He was very rich, , and . Often he gave joy to poor by gifts in their .

The later St. , , to a of great . It was in his honor that 's , for , was built. For its part, the Roman as one who and the poor. St. the saint of and . His name day is 6th.

In the areas of and , St. later known as der . In he came to be . St. made his way to the with Dutch , and began to be to as Santa Claus.

In North and , Santa Claus, in his white beard, red and - cap, would sally forth on the night in his , by eight , and climb down to leave his gifts in set out on the 's .

to know where Santa Claus came from. Where did he live when he wasn't ? Those gave rise to the that Santa Claus lived at the North Pole, where his -gift was also .

In 1925, since would not be at the North Pole, that Santa Claus in fact lived in . "Uncle ", , who the "'s hour" on radio, the great for the first time in 1927: Santa Claus lives on 's - "Ear Fell"

The fell, which is on 's , a hare's ears - which are in fact Santa Claus's ears, with which he to hear if the world's are being nice. Santa has the of a busy group of elves, who have quite their own in .

Over the , from parts of the thus came and the whole world's Santa Claus - the , , white- and red man who gives out gifts on and to in .

Since the 1950s, Santa has at , near , at times other than , to meet and the young at heart. By 1985 his to had so that he his own Santa Claus there. He comes there every day of the year to hear what want for and to talk with who have from the world. Santa Claus is also the of Santa's main Post , which 's from the four of the world.



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