
天天见闻 天天见闻 2023-10-02 时尚 阅读: 52
摘要: “心动”讲述了少男少女布莱斯和朱莉成长的故事。以下是用心整理的心跳加速英语的感想,希望大家能喜欢!心动英语观后感plot.heart.love.much.eyes.yearkiss.share.way.wants.heart?Again.him.love.love。心动英语感想2 kiss.tree。Then。Her.shock.love.uncle.her.heart.heart?Other?Old.other.years.young.love。



After , i was moved by its plot. The , Juli Baker, who is as a in the , did leave a in my heart. What i want to say after it is that a girl a love. Juli is the one i so much.

Juli Baker met Bryce Loski in her grade, and she was from then on of his - hair and a pair of eyes. Bryce shew no in her and did he could to keep away from her, she never gave up and spent the whole year

if she could ever get his kiss. When they were in grade, Juli fell in love with a large, old tree, which no one . Right after the tree being cut down but Bryce didn’t help, and him the eggs she gave him, Juli began to think about Bryce was the right . , Bryce found that Juli was so a girl, and the was .

There are two that i want to share. First of all is the scene that Juli sits on the large, old tree which let her see the world in a much more way. She can stay on the tree for a whole day, at the world with . She loves , and is to it at the risk of her “” among the . From my , she is an gift to her . She never , , she knows what she wants. Ask , when the whole world call you “nerd”or “freak”, are you dare to turn a blind eye to these ? Do you still have to your heart?

, it was the sweet smile Juli gave to her uncle that made me moved again. She never her uncle, on the , she chose to the for him. When her uncle lost in the , she didn’t feel . as she is, she the of her . What’s more, she knows the of and love.

No that Chet, Bryce’s , says that Juli is a rare kind of girl who's hard to come . And it is no that this girl can find her soul mate and her first love.


Have the film , l am moved by the story Juli and Bryce, two small pure and know about what is love .

To be , l fall in love with young Juli when first saw her, just as the on class by says, Juli has eyes, which can catch your heart . You have to admit that Juli is a girl who is brave and . Met Bryce at the first time, she loses her heart and to get Bryce‟s kiss. In order to this ,she did many . Bryce is a shy boy who is from Juli , to met Juli they are in the same class. As far as l am , as a boy be , just like Juli ,dare to love and hate, have ideas on what to do and not to .

More or less, a plays a great role in ‟s 。 Juli is lucky to have a good to give her right value 。Juli‟s is a , who does not care about life and shows his full love to his to his 。 Faced with the rich ‟s , her does not have any sense of , but holds his and gives his an tree after the world took away Juli‟s big tree。 As to Bryce‟s , rich but , but 。

by his , Bryce to down upon Juli and her , her is poor and her yard is dirty, which leads to his to the eggs Juli 。 Even more, his show to his and , which makes me 。 , two have their , we do what is to ‟s than make them a bad which will make keep to then。

When first saw Juli climb up the tree, Bryce think it‟s , to Juli‟s to climb up the tree with her. I do not why Juli so to offer her at the , light after Juli to the top of the tree, where she can see the most in the whole world and the and . she want to share thing with whom she loved, so she is to come down when plan to cut the tree which to her in . It‟s her „s about that tree that makes her find her and ends up those day‟s - and .

When , we all need ‟s guide. Bryce is lucky to have a so great to tell him who he is and he be a kind and . Just as what Bryce‟s „s said when they were , “some of us get in flat, some in satin, some in gloss. But every once in a while you find who‟s , and when you do, will ever .” ,which gives me a big shock. The of love, we often use the way to say” stop ”, in fact, we need a wise man‟s , learn to how to love. That‟s where our in . l love the old man who Bryce the of Juli, Juli the yard and build the or , when Bryce‟s at her uncle.

When you like me, l don‟t like you; when you fall in love with me , l like you; when you leave me, l fall in love with you; is that you go to fast, or l can‟t your . When Juli loved him, he was by his , even lay to her ;when the girl didn‟t love him, he had a , his heart with his ‟s help, began to her. In the end, he found his girl, he will not turn a blind eye, not to pass, not turn , of . If there was a girl loves me, l will not by other‟s ideas and , l will my heart. Love is your own , so you make your own when you are in .

Being as a , Bryce was for, and had been by the girl the most at . He did not have a sense of he was to the time, what he is to be by Juli, the girl is with a boy care . But could he know Juli‟s and heart? Could he know that they never have a of each other? Even more, Bryce came to her and to give her a kiss, which is what she when she was seven years old. , sane Juli run away sadly, not the kiss is to , it‟s she had been with the boy once .

Until Juli saw Bryce trees in her yard. Saw Bryce‟s love and , she to Bryce, the tree in the sun, with their hand in hand, to each other. This „s the first time they had known each other after many years.

I don‟t know how much they the love they were to young. But l hold the , that the of is , also be . Bryce had met a girl just likes , him a of love. Juli ,the girl who is in , a , which made her grow not only and full of charm.



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